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b与b的关系 Conversion relation between big B and small B Tuesday, December 29, 2009, 02:36 In the computer network and IDC computer room, the unit of broadband rate is expressed by BPS (or b/s); the conversion relation is: 1Byte=8bit 1B=8b - 1B/s=8b/s (or 1Bps=8bps) 1KB=1024B - 1KB/s=1024B/s 1MB=1024KB - 1MB/s=1024KB/s In the actual application of the Internet, download software download speed display is often seen as 128KB (KB/s), 103KB/s and so on broadband rate words, because the unit uses ISP to provide bandwidth line bits, and general download software to display the bytes (1 bytes = 8 bits), so to get the actual conversion. Value. However, we can translate it according to the conversion formula: 128KB/s=128 * 8 (Kb/s) =1024Kb/s=1Mb/s, i.e.: 128KB/s=1Mb/s Theory: 2M (2Mb/s) broadband theoretical rate is: 256KB/s (2048Kb/s), the actual rate is about 80--200kB/s; (the reason is the user computer performance, quality, resources of network equipment usage, network, web service ability, the peak line attenuation, signal attenuation and other factors caused). The broadband theoretical rate of 4M (i.e., 4Mb/s) is 512KB/s, and the actual rate is about 200---440kB/s Uplink speed refers to the data transmission rate when the user computer sends information to the network, and the downlink rate is the transmission rate when the network sends the information to the users computer. For example, using FTP to upload files to the Internet, the impact of upload speed is uplink speed; and download files from the Internet, the impact of download speed is down rate.. Of course, in the actual upload and download process, the quality of the lines, equipment (including computers and other equipment) will also have more or less impact on speed. Broadband speed calculation method Basic knowledge: In computer science, bit is the smallest unit of information representation, called binary digits, and is generally represented by 0 and 1. Byte, called byte, consists of 8 bits (8bit), a byte (1B



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