
dbgrid的实用技巧(Practical skills of DBGrid).doc

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dbgrid的实用技巧(Practical skills of DBGrid)

dbgrid的实用技巧(Practical skills of DBGrid) 1. interlaced color display With TDBGrid (Sender) do Begin If (gdSelected, in, State) or (gdFocused, in, State) then Canvas.Brush.Color: = clAqua Else if DataSource.DataSet.RecNo mod 2 = 0 then Canvas.Brush.Color: = $00F0F0F5 Else Canvas.Brush.Color: = clWindow; DefaultDrawColumnCell (Rect, DataCol, Column, State); End; 2.Flat style Property settings: Ctrl3D = False Options.dgColLines = False Options.dgRowLines = False Type TGridAccess = class (TCustomGrid); Form.OnCreate: With TGridAccess (DBGrid1) do Options: = Options + [goFixedVertLine, goFixedHorzLine, goVertLine, goHorzLine]; 3. remove the scroll bar Private {Private declarations} FGridWndProc: TWndMethod; Procedure GridWndProc (VaR, Message:, TMessage); Form.OnCreate: TGridAccess (DBGrid1).ScrollBars = = ssNone; FGridWndProc: = DBGrid1.WindowProc; DBGrid1.WindowProc: = GridWndProc; Form.OnDestroy: DBGrid1.WindowProc: = FGridWndProc; Procedure TForm1.GridWndProc (VaR, Message:, TMessage); Begin Case Message.Msg of WM_PAINT, WM_NCPAINT: Begin SetScrollRange (DBGrid1.Handle, SB_HORZ, 0, 0, False); SetScrollRange (DBGrid1.Handle, SB_VERT, 0, 0, False); End; End; FGridWndProc (Message); End; 4. the mouse moves to a cell, the pointer shape changes Procedure TForm1.DBGrid1MouseMove (Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y:, Integer); Var Coord: TGridCoord; Begin Coord: = TDBGrid (Sender).MouseCoord (X, Y); If (Coord.Y 0), and (Coord.X = 1), and, not, TDBGrid (Sender),.DataSource.DataSet.IsEmpty, then Begin / / Coord.X=1, dgIndicator=True in the first column, False in the second column TDBGrid (Sender).Cursor = = crHandPoint; StatusBar1.SimpleText: =Click, to, open, curve, form; End Else Begin TDBGrid (Sender).Cursor = = crDefault; StatusBar1.SimpleText: = ; End; End; When 5.Options.dgRowSelect=True, click different cell columns and perform different actions The DBGrid event in OnMouseDown/OnMouseUp click on the record cell does not trigger (click on the fixed area ranks wil



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