
delphi richedit中插入位图(从文件或tbitmap对象)或gif动画(从文件(Insert bitmap (from file or TBitmap object) or GIF animation from Delphi RichEdit (from file)).doc

delphi richedit中插入位图(从文件或tbitmap对象)或gif动画(从文件(Insert bitmap (from file or TBitmap object) or GIF animation from Delphi RichEdit (from file)).doc

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delphi richedit中插入位图(从文件或tbitmap对象)或gif动画(从文件(Insert bitmap (from file or TBitmap object) or GIF animation from Delphi RichEdit (from file))

delphi richedit中插入位图(从文件或tbitmap对象)或gif动画(从文件(Insert bitmap (from file or TBitmap object) or GIF animation from Delphi RichEdit (from file)) Delphi RichEdit inserts bitmap (from file or TBitmap object) or Gif animation (from file.Txt cheat too much, fool is obviously not enough). I was in charge of kiss your princess in the way to kill Longyou Zhanji River and climbing to the top of the tower. Insert bitmap (from file or TBitmap object) or Gif animation (from file) in RichEdit Keyword: The classification of the individual area The public security: (score: reply: 0, read: 252)? KeyLife rich man notes The author: lichengbin Title: insert the RichEdit bitmap (from a file or a TBitmap) or Gif (from animation files) Keyword: The classification of the individual area The public security: (score: reply: 0, read: 561) ? ? Unit RichEx; { 2005-03-04 LiChengbin Added: Insert, bitmap, or, GIF, into, RichEdit, controls, from, file., source 2005-01-31 LiChengbin Usage: Insert, bitmap, into, RichEdit, controls, by, IRichEditOle, interface, and Implementation of IDataObject interface. Example: InsertBitmap (RichEdit1.Handle, Image1.Picture.Bitmap); } Interface Uses, Windows, Messages, Graphics, ActiveX, ComObj; Const Flags to specify which interfaces should / be returned in the structure above REO_GETOBJ_NO_INTERFACES = REO_GETOBJ_POLEOBJ = REO_GETOBJ_PSTG = REO_GETOBJ_POLESITE = REO_GETOBJ_ALL_INTERFACES = Object at selection / / Place REO_CP_SELECTION = $FFFFFFFF; Use character position to specify object / instead of index REO_IOB_SELECTION = $FFFFFFFF; REO_IOB_USE_CP = $FFFFFFFF; Object / / flags REO_NULL = / / No flags REO_READWRITEMASK = $0000003F; / / Mask out RO bits REO_DONTNEEDPALETTE = / / Object doesnt need palette REO_BLANK = / / Object is blank REO_DYNAMICSIZE = / / Object defines size always REO_INVERTEDSELECT = drawn all inverted if sel / / Object REO_BELOWBA


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