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windows 技巧全集大放送(Windows skills)
windows 技巧全集大放送(Windows skills)
First, attribute window technique three:
1, homemade hotkey to start applications
Here in order to achieve the Ctrl+Alt+B key starts Windows brush program as an example: (1) right click on the taskbar start button in the pop-up menu, select open double click Programs folder in the open window, and then double-click the open window accessories folder. At this time, you can see the icon drawing in the attached window (if not, you should install it in the add and delete program of the control panel). (2) right click the drawing icon, select the property in the pop-up menu, and then select the shortcut label of the property window. (3) move the cursor to the text box of the shortcut key (then there is a no word in the text box, and then press the B button in the keyboard, where the text box shows Ctrl+Alt+B. Click OK to quit. Since then, when you press the hotkey Ctrl+Alt+B, the drawing program is automatically adjusted. This method is also applicable to other applications in Windows systems.
2, change the default directory of the startup Explorer
In Windows95/98 system, when starting the Explorer, are generally open the default directory C. We can change the default startup directory of the Explorer by modifying some of the data from the Explorer property. The method is: right click the Explorer icon from the pop-up menu, click properties command in the Windows theorem for resource attribute window column in the original command to C:WINDOWSEXPLORER.EXE /n, /e, D: , then click [OK] button to exit.
3, change the default directory of the MS-DOS mode
In general, we start the MS-DOS mode, the default working directory is: C:Windows, to change the working directory, just need to find a way and right click on the MS-DOS icon, select properties from the pop-up menu commands. In the pop-up MS-DOS mode properties window, change the path in the work directory column to your desired working directory. The above is to modify the Windows system in th
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