
从语用学的角度分析英语幽默的产生(The analysis of English Humor from a pragmatic perspective).doc

从语用学的角度分析英语幽默的产生(The analysis of English Humor from a pragmatic perspective).doc

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从语用学的角度分析英语幽默的产生(The analysis of English Humor from a pragmatic perspective)

从语用学的角度分析英语幽默的产生(The analysis of English Humor from a pragmatic perspective) No. Volume 26 1 Journal of Changchun Normal University (HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES EDITION) ) 2007 January Vol126, No11Journal, of, Changchun, Normal, University (Humanities, and, Social, Sciences) Jan12007 The analysis of English Humor from a pragmatic perspective M (School of foreign languages, GanNan Normal University Jiangxi, Ganzhou 341000) Humor and wit. On ,. Schopenhauer on Humor has been put forward Incongruity theory (incongruity). In his view come The reason for laughter is merely a sudden realization of the incongruity between the concept and the real subject. He said Laughter is just because people suddenly find out. In him A phenomenon caused by a lack of consistency between the actual thing and a concept Laughter is the expression of this sharp contrast. The theory of incongruity The essence of humor But a precise definition of humor is not easy. This does not prevent humor from being a human essential Deposit. Its in every field of life. It is not only an ornament of life And its a weapon in life An attack or defense Ask questions Or the method of criticism. Properly used Humor can do wonders for people Or escape punishment Or criticize others without fail Awkward. Minimum It can also make people happy Forget your troubles Improve mood Relax and enjoy yourself. Therefore, humorous popular is not surprising. However, not everyone knows how to appreciate humor Not to mention creating humor. Some people lack a sense of humor for themselves and cant be better at communicating with others Through affliction. In fact, a sense of humor is inherent There are also acquired cultures Appreciation of humor can be learned. This paper tries to study Pragmatics Analysis of humor in some English humorous conversations In order to improve the readers ability to understand, appreciate and create humor. [Abstract Humor is the art of speech It can not be separated from the internal law of


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