
北流市果蔗高产高效栽培技术规程(Technical specification for high yield and high efficiency cultivation of fruit cane in Beiliu City).doc

北流市果蔗高产高效栽培技术规程(Technical specification for high yield and high efficiency cultivation of fruit cane in Beiliu City).doc

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北流市果蔗高产高效栽培技术规程(Technical specification for high yield and high efficiency cultivation of fruit cane in Beiliu City)

北流市果蔗高产高效栽培技术规程(Technical specification for high yield and high efficiency cultivation of fruit cane in Beiliu City) Technical specification for high yield and high efficiency cultivation of fruit cane in Beiliu City First, soil preparation In the late rice harvest time after plowing plow, drying soil, soil crushing work, and then press the row spacing of 3.0-3.2 meters open drainage ditch, ditch 0.3-0.4 meters wide, 0.3-0.4 meters deep; paddy field high water level can directly open the drain, at 0.2 meters away from the ditch digging surface size of about 0.4 meters, 0.15 meters deep about the cave, cave in to keep 0.1 meters of Songshi, hole spacing of 1.1-1.2 meters per mu, digging 320-350. After digging the hole, a irrigation, water through the hole surface, observe the level of the hole level, and processing, so that it deal with the same level, for future water management. Two. Sugarcane seed treatment 1. kinds of leaf peeling in the cut before seedling leaf sheath peeled for sugarcane bud germination and growth, young parts of sheath is retained, to shoot growth with buds at the leaf sheath finger pierced but. 2. kinds of general cut cut into 2 to 3 bud seedlings, the sheath can be cut into many short internodes bud seedlings. 3. soaking with 2% ~ 3% lime water immersion 24h, or in flowing water ditch soaking 36 ~ 48h. 4. underground pests disinfection control 50% phoxim EC or 40% chlorpyrifos soaking 300 ~ 400 times liquid 1 ~ 2 min; pineapple disease prevention with 50% or 70% carbendazim mildothane 50 g water 50 kg, soaking for 5 ~ 10 min. Three, planting 1. Planting Period Planting in local daily average temperature stable at around 12 degrees is appropriate, the southeast of Guangxi in the mid to late 2 can sow. If the protection measures, cultivation time can also advance. 2. ways of seeding and planting density (1) Shi Jifei Before seeding, with sincere basal, Mu Shi superphosphate 100 kg, high concentration compound fertilizer (a) (content 45%) 50 kg


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