
北航《java语言与面向对象程序设计》在线作业二(The northern Java language and object-oriented programming online homework two).doc

北航《java语言与面向对象程序设计》在线作业二(The northern Java language and object-oriented programming online homework two).doc

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北航《java语言与面向对象程序设计》在线作业二(The northern Java language and object-oriented programming online homework two)

北航《java语言与面向对象程序设计》在线作业二(The northern Java language and object-oriented programming online homework two) The northern Java language and object-oriented programming online homework two First, a radio question 1. after the execution of the following statement sequence, the value of K is (). Int, m=3, n=6, k=0; while ((m++) (- n)) ++k; A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3 The correct answer: B 2., the int type public member variable MAX_LENGTH, which remains constant 100, defines the statement of this variable as () A. public int MAX_LENGTH=100 B. final int MAX_LENGTH=100 C., public, const, int, MAX_LENGTH=100 D., public, final, int, MAX_LENGTH=100 The correct answer: D 3. in Java, the escape character that represents the newline character is () A. \n B. \f C.n D. \dd The correct answer: A 4. in the call of the following construction methods, the correct is (). A. calls in a general way B. is called directly by the user C. can only be invoked automatically via New D. is called by the system The correct answer: C 5. in the following options, the legal assignment statement is () A. a = = 1; B. + + i; C. a=a + 1= 5; D. y = int (I); The correct answer: B The difference between a 6. character stream and a byte stream is () The number of bytes each A. reads is different B. the former is buffered, and the latter is not C. the former is block read and write, and the latter is byte read and write D. two are not different, can be used interchangeably The correct answer: C 7. a set of keywords used to define access control for class members is () A., class, float, double, public B., float, Boolean, int, long C., char, extends, float, double D., public, private, protected The correct answer: D 8. if a member variable in a class can be accessed by the same package, what constraint does it use?. A. private B. public C. protected D. no modifier The correct answer: D 9. listen to events and process events A. is done by Listener B. is completed by the components registered at the corresponding event L


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