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杜云生-成功人士的40条守则(Du Yunsheng - 40 rules for successful people)
杜云生-成功人士的40条守则(Du Yunsheng - 40 rules for successful people)
Du Yunsheng - the 40 rule to get a successful life, 2009-09-14 10:27:16
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What are the 40 rules for success in life? How can you achieve a successful life? For this problem, each one according to his lights, the famous American social psychologist and marriage expert Lao Lunli from a large number of guide books and many friends in the lives of collection and summarized the 40 important principles and methods. 1. arrange your life according to your priorities. Decide what is the most important in your life. Write them on paper and keep them in mind. Insist on doing it every day. 2. write down your dreams. Then turn these dreams into goals. Turn these goals into tasks. After that, turn these tasks into steps of implementation. 3. then begin your work: begin now! Set the completion date and do it! 4. read some articles about successful people. This will help you define your ideal life for yourself. 5. consult successful people. Put your goals and action plans for those already in the aspects of successful people to see, and ask them to give you some advice. How can we not learn from the existing experience? 6., do not satisfy the less ideal. Dont compromise on matters that are most important to you. You have to get what you want. Only the best satisfaction in life. 7. learn from the mistakes of others. It is much cheaper than the lessons you learn from your mistakes, and the pain is much less. Save time and worry. 8. focus your attention on what you want. Dont focus on what you dont want or your current situation. You need to get what you want - focus on what you want...... Remind yourself often. 9. give others the feeling of being valued. It can be expressed in the following ways: greetings, hugs, faxes, letters, mail, gifts, and, most importantly, your precious time. 10. health comes first! Get and maintain good health. Only when you have good health can you enjoy
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