hcv subtype characterization among injection drug users implication for a crucial role of zhenjiang in hcv transmission in china丙肝病毒亚型鉴定注射吸毒者中暗示了至关重要的作用在中国镇江的丙肝病毒传播.pdfVIP

hcv subtype characterization among injection drug users implication for a crucial role of zhenjiang in hcv transmission in china丙肝病毒亚型鉴定注射吸毒者中暗示了至关重要的作用在中国镇江的丙肝病毒传播.pdf

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hcv subtype characterization among injection drug users implication for a crucial role of zhenjiang in hcv transmission in china丙肝病毒亚型鉴定注射吸毒者中暗示了至关重要的作用在中国镇江的丙肝病毒传播

HCV Subtype Characterization among Injection Drug Users: Implication for a Crucial Role of Zhenjiang in HCV Transmission in China 1 1 1 2 1 1 1,3 Chiyu Zhang *, Nana Wu , Jun Liu , Qinjuan Ge , Yan Huang , Qian Ren , Qingchuan Feng , Guangli He2 1 Institute of Life Sciences, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, China, 2 Zhenjiang Center of Disease Control and Prevention, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, China, 3 Department of Cell Biology and Medicine Genetics, College of Basic Medicine, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, Henan, China Abstract Background: HCV transmission is closely associated with drug-trafficking routes in China. However, the transmission route of HCV in Eastern China remains unclear. Here, we investigate the role of Zhenjiang city of Jiangsu province, an important transportation hub linking Shanghai with other regions of China, in HCV transmission. Methodology/Principal Findings: A total of 141 whole blood samples were collected from injection drug users (IDUs) in Zhenjiang and then tested for HCV infection. Of them, 115 HCV positive plasmas were subjected to RNA extraction, RT-PCR amplification, and sequencing. The subtype characterization and the evolutionary origin of HCV strains circulating in Zhenjiang were determined using polygenetic or phylogeographic analyses. Seven HCV subtypes 1b, 2a, 3a, 3b, 6a, 6e and 6n were detected among Zhenjiang IDUs, showing a complex HCV epidemic. The most predominant subtypes were 3a (38%) and 1b (26.8%). Among these subtypes, subtypes 3b, 6n and 6e originated from Southwestern China (i.e., Yunnan and/or Guangxi), subtypes 2a and 6a from Southern China (i.e., Guangdong), subtype 1b from Central (i.e., Henan) and



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