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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 91 International Conference on Modern Management, Education Technology, and Social Science (MMETSS 2016) Study on Design Culture of Proto-porcelain Pot with Two Lugs of The Western Han Dynasty * Liu Mingyu Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute, Jingdezhen, Jiangxi,China 115416121@ Keywords: Pot with Two Lugs, Proto-porcelain, Water Ripple, Phoenix Bird Decorative Pattern, String Pattern, Animal Head Applique Holding Rings. Abstract: The proto-porcelain pot with two lugs of the Western Han Dynasty was excavated in 1963 at Che jiabao of north suburb of Xi An City, and which is collected in Shanxi History Museum. The pot with two lugs is proto-porcelain, and which has the transitional characteristics from pottery to porcelain. There are some patterns in the pot, such as water ripple, phoenix bird decorative pattern, and string pattern and so on; these patterns reflect the specific cultural features of the times.The two lugs of the pot with the form of animal head applique holding rings, which reflect the auspicious culture. 西汉原始瓷双耳壶的设计文化探析 刘明玉* 景德镇陶瓷大学,景德镇,江西,中国 115416121@ 关键词:双耳壶;原始瓷;水波纹;凤鸟纹;弦纹;铺首衔环 中文摘要:西汉原始瓷双耳壶于1963 年出土于陕西省西安市北郊车家堡,现藏于陕西历史博 物馆。该壶是原始瓷,具有由陶向瓷的过渡特征;装饰纹样有水波纹、鸟纹和弦纹等,这些 纹样都反映出特定时代的文化面貌;该壶的双耳是铺首衔环耳,反映出汉代时期趋吉避害的 文化特色。 1. 引言 西汉原始瓷双耳壶高48 厘米、口径16 厘米、足径19.7 厘米,方唇,侈口,高颈,斜肩, 肩部两侧分别附着铺首衔环耳,鼓腹,圈足。腹部以上施釉,釉色青中略泛黄,釉层较厚。 腹部以下未施釉,露红胎,胎质坚硬。该壶器身有多组弦纹,肩部两组弦纹之间刻划变体凤 鸟纹,颈部及腹部各装饰一周水波纹。器型浑厚大方,装饰纹样简洁、凝练,釉色古朴,反 映出西汉时期原始瓷设计及制作的水平 (图1)。 Copyright © 201


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