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司法解释稿的主要内容The Main Content of the Draft Judicial Interpretation 意见稿共22条,对网络用户、网络服务提供者侵犯著作权行为,以及侵权认定情形做出规定。 The draft of April 2012 provides how to determine the infringement and civil liability if the network users and NSPs infringe RCIN. 基本原则:人民法院审理侵犯信息网络传播权民事纠纷案件,在行使裁量权时应当兼顾权利人、网络服务提供者和社会公众的利益平衡。 The basic principle: In the course of trials of civil disputes related to infringements of RCIN, the Peoples Courts shall balance the interests among right owners, network service providers (“NSP”) and the public when exercising their discretion. 信息网络传播权及提供行为RCIN and Act of Providing 意见稿指出,网络用户、网络服务提供者未经许可,通过信息网络提供他人享有权利的作品、表演、录音录像制品,人民法院应当判令其承担侵犯信息网络传播权的民事责任。 The People’s Courts shall be responsible for making rulings and orders that network users and NSPs who provide works, performances, audio and video products of others though information networks without authorization must bear civil liability for infringements of RCIN. 上传到网络服务器或者以其他方式,将作品、表演、录音录像制品置于向公众开放的信息网络中,使公众可以以下载、浏览或者其他方式获得的,人民法院应当认定其构成作品、表演或者录音录像制品的提供行为。 Where works, performances, and audio and video products of others that are placed on a publicly-accessible information network through uploading to network servers or in another manner become available to the public through downloading, browsing or other means, the People’s Courts shall determine that such acts constitute an act of providing works, performances, and audio-visual products. 提供行为的例外Exception to Act of Providing 原告能够举证证明网络服务提供者具有提供作品、表演、录音录像制品的外观,人民法院可以认定其实施了提供行为,但网络服务提供者能够证明其仅为被诉侵权的作品、表演、录音录像制品提供了自动接入、自动传输、信息存储空间、搜索、链接、点对点技术等服务的除外。 Where a plaintiff can prove that an NSP appears to have provided a work, performance, or audio-visual product, the People’s Courts may determine that the NSP has committed the act of “providing a [work]”, provided however that the NSP can prove that it merely provided services such as automatic access, automatic transmission, information hosting, searching, linking, or point-to-point technology for t
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