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第四纪地质与地貌 授课教师:邱世藩 2013年上学期 0. 绪论 1. 第四纪地质学及地貌学的由来 0.1.1 第四纪地质学 第四纪(Quternary):第四纪是地质历史中最新的一个纪,包括更新世(Pleistonce)和全新世(Holocene),是指最近260万年以来的一段地质历史时期 第四系(Q):是指形成于第四纪地质时期的松散堆积物(地层) 第四纪地层的划分 新生代地质年代表 地质年代的划分 What is the Quaternary The Quaternary is a subdivision of geological time (the Quaternary Period ) which covers the last two million years up to present day. (The exact duration is a matter of debate with estimates of the onset of the Quaternary Period placed at between 1,8 million years and 2,6 million years by different authors) The Quaternary and the Tertiary Periods together form the Cenozoic Era. The Quaternary can be subdivided into two epochs: the Pleistocene (two million years to ten thousand years ago) and the Holocene (ten thousand years ago to the present day). Today the term Quaternary (Desnoyers,1829) is virtually identical in meaning to the term Pleistocene, although the Pleistocene (Lyell,1839)is defined as having ended 10 000 radiocarbon years ago and is followed by the Holocene Series (which replaced ‘Recent’ in 1885) in which we still live. However, the term Quaternary has remained current because it efficiently describes the whole period, i.e. Pleistocene + Holocene. Retention of this term, determined by historical priority and long usage, is therefore essential because it identifies this specific period. The Quaternary Period has been one of extraordinary changes in global environment as well as the period during which much of hominid evolution took place. 1829年,英国地质学家C.Lyell将当时第三系上部那套70%以上的腕足均为现在属种的地层层位更新统,将形成这套地层的时代叫做更新世(Pleistonce) 。后来他又将更新统顶部生物残骸中由现代属种组成的那套地层称为全新统,相应的年代为全新世(Holocene) 第四纪地质学:研究第四纪地壳、气候和生物界演化历史及其分布规律的科学,叫做第四纪地质学(Quaternary Geology) 第四纪的环境演变 一、新构造运动与现代地形轮廓的形成 二、现代季风的形成和温带荒漠的发展 三、第四纪气候的冷暖变化 四、黄土堆积 五、海平面变化 六、生物群和自然地带的变化(人类的出现) 第四纪科学的性质和任务 第四纪是地球演变的最新时期,第四纪科学是地球科学中最活跃的一个分支,它承袭了传统的地球科学,又与现代科学技术的许多新领域新进展紧密关联,从圈层相互作用到全球变化,从地学、生物学、天文学等自然科学到人类学和社会可持续发展, 当今人类社会面临的资源、能源、环境、灾害等许多问题无不与第四纪科学相关,解决这些重大问题是第四纪科学工作者责无旁贷的历史责任和社会责任。第四纪科学研究的走向是向着精细


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