020710 A Sense of Call First Presbyterian (020710的第一个长老会).pdf

020710 A Sense of Call First Presbyterian (020710的第一个长老会).pdf

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020710 A Sense of Call First Presbyterian (020710的第一个长老会)

A Sense of Call TEXT: Isaiah 6:1-13 Luke 5:1-11 February 7, 2010 the pager out the window – Ray (or we) imagined. Ray where it is promptly run over by finds a fulfillment he didn’t couple of weeks a car – and then continues to know he needed. ago I attended a Synod conference beep. Or take the movie Dogma, A for new (and where an angel of the Lord Although they are appears to Bethany. But this slightly different, the call relatively new) pastors in angel appears in the middle of narratives for Isaiah, for the ministry. It’s called Pastoral the night in a locked apartment. disciples, and for Ray Kinsella Enrichment for Transitions in Ministry and 10 of us from Bethany responds to the give us insight into God’s call Kansas and Missouri gathered to intrusion with a fire extinguisher and into our response. God calls and a baseball bat, much to the us in the



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