
Digital Fabrication Laboratory (Fab Lab)(数字制造实验室(工厂实验室)).pdf

Digital Fabrication Laboratory (Fab Lab)(数字制造实验室(工厂实验室)).pdf

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Digital Fabrication Laboratory (Fab Lab)(数字制造实验室(工厂实验室))

Digital Fabrication Laboratory (Fab Lab) By: Scott Simenson-Director Century Fab Lab Digital Fabrications History and Background: The origination of the digital fabrications laboratory or “Fab Lab” began as somewhat of an accident at MIT by a Professor housed in the Center for Bits and Atoms (MIT’s CBA). Dr. Neil Gershenfeld, the inventor and creator of Fab Labs, initiated a new educational laboratory concept to promote educational integration for one of his courses promoting outreach for the Center for Bits and Atoms (CBA). In 2001 the National Science Foundation (NSF) in Washington, D.C. funded MITs Center for Bits and Atoms, an ambitious interdisciplinary initiative that focused with looking beyond the Digital Revolution. CBAs laboratory research on technologies for personal fabrication expanded into the Fab Lab program bringing prototyping capabilities and making accessible “engineering in space” (down to microns, through precision machining) and time (down to microseconds, through RISC microcontrollers), creating new ways of integrating information technologies and fabrication. /dist/PV.mp4 The engineering capability for computational based designs and fabrications opens up numerous NEW possibilities for academic programs by providing a technical facility (Fab Lab) to support innovative solutions to common scientific and technical issues. Since local “communities” themselves foster innovation, Fab Labs are being used to move beyond traditional models. They represent a new direction for “laboratories” to foster innovative and sustainable solutions, through combining research, development and applications. They are fostering new program models, new collaborative partnerships, and new educational and learning communities which have the potential to better address technological shortcomings of traditional educational and learning systems. The labs have evolved into transformational


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