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Engine Powered Forklift Truck 1 to 3.5ton (发动机动力叉车1到3.5吨)
Introduction of Products
Engine Powered Forklift Truck 1- to 3.5-ton Series
Hiroyuki Yamamoto
Satoshi Takahara
Makoto Saitou
Motoshi Koizumi
Tomohiro Shinotsuka
The LEO NXT series has enjoyed a good reputation for reliability, technical innovation and good design
(winners of 2002 Good Design Award by the Japanese Government and a grand prix of the 33rd Machine
Industry Design Award). As a successor series of the LEO NXT for engine powered forklift trucks in the class
of 1 to 3.5 tons, LEO NXT-V (Leo Next-V) has been developed by further refining the former series to improve
earnings, in order to start production in Japan, the United States, Europe and China and to enter the global
market representing the principal products of Komatsu Forklift Co. The model change is the first model
change in ten years in the overseas market. An overview of the new series is presented below.
Key Words: Engine-type forklift, LEO NXT-V series, Compact 3.5 ton type, Power line float, Dual float design,
Visibility, ISO 369-1 safety standard, Operator presence sensing (
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