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第 2 1卷  第 6期 环境监测管理与技术 2009年 12 月 ·专论与综述 · 城市机动车尾气排放及道路扩散模式综述 1 1, 2 1 刘侃侃 , 贠延滨 ,罗才武 ,孙德智 ( 1. 北京林业大学环境科学与工程学院,北京 100083; 2. 北京工业大学环境与能源工程学院,北京 100124) 摘  要 :综述了国内外机动车排放因子模型 ,基于开阔型 、交叉路口型和城市峡谷型 3类城市典型交通道路 ,探讨了各 种机动车尾气扩散模式的优缺点和适用性 。提出今后的研究重点是利用城市生态系统中的植物群落对汽车排放污染物扩 散的阻碍和吸附 ,探索绿化植物对机动车尾气污染扩散的阻散特征 ;加强 CFD 软件在城市道路空气质量研究领域的应用 ; 在 GIS平台下 ,结合扩散模式开发环境综合管理系统 。 关键词 :排放因子 ;扩散模式 ;城市典型道路 ;机动车排气 中图分类号 : X 169   文献标识码 : A    文章编号 :(2009) 06 - 0008 - 07 Summ ary of Veh icle Em ission and D iffu sion M odels in Typ ica l Urban Streets 1 1, 2 1 L IU Kankan , YUN Yanb in , LUO Caiwu , SUN D ezh i ( 1. S chool of E nvironm en ta l S cience E ng ineering, B eij ing F ores try Un ivers ity, B eij ing 100083, Ch ina; 2. S chool of E nvironm en t E nergy E ng ineering, B eij ing Un ivers ity of Technology, B eij ing 100 124, Ch ina) A b stract: The em ission factor models of veh icle s at hom e and ab road were reviewed ba sed on three typ ical typ e s of op en , in tersection and u rban gorge traffic. The advan tage s and d isadvan tage s were d iscu ssed on differen t veh icle exhau st diffu sion models. The re search emp ha sis in the fu tu re wou ld be on the barriers and ad sorp tion of veh icle exhau st po llu tan ts by p lan t comm un itie s of u rban eco logical system and exp lore the d isp ersion characteris tic s of veh icle exhau st po llu tion diffu sion by green p lan ts. It m ade the be st of CFD software in re search field of u rban road air quality. In GIS p latform , it wa s develop ed for in tegrated m anagem en t system com b ined w ith the diffu sion model. Key


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