湖南中医药大学《中医学概论》考试试卷(Examination paper of introduction to traditional Chinese medicine of Hunan University of Chinese Medicine).doc

湖南中医药大学《中医学概论》考试试卷(Examination paper of introduction to traditional Chinese medicine of Hunan University of Chinese Medicine).doc

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湖南中医药大学《中医学概论》考试试卷(Examination paper of introduction to traditional Chinese medicine of Hunan University of Chinese Medicine)

湖南中医药大学《中医学概论》考试试卷(Examination paper of introduction to traditional Chinese medicine of Hunan University of Chinese Medicine) Documents from the network, I collected, finishing, and if there are omissions, errors, but also please correct me! Examination paper of introduction to traditional Chinese medicine of Hunan University of Chinese Medicine A RadioButtonList (in this case, each question the answer options, only one answer is correct, please do you think the correct answer to the question number, fill in the brackets Choose to do 1 points for each question, 30 points 1., wind evil wounding, acute attack, change more, because () The wind of the wind up of the discharge opening in the wind good wind. The number of wind is riddled with long 2. damp sweat easily hurt, because (). Summer heat; summer heat in summer; more summer dampness; dampness rising; summer heat is easy to grieve 3., the kidney is the root of Qi, mainly refers to the kidney () The main water gasification is the five zang organs, the essence of which is to help the lung, the kidney to refine the kidney qi, and the kidney to control the water 4. foot Taiyang transfer site in the () The end of the little finger of the inner canthus canthus and the nose side and toe end 5., the key to distinguish between six Qi and six sex is () Climate change is too great. Climate change is not as good as gas Whether pathogenic disease, sudden cold, sudden warm 6. liver disease is the heart First, the mother of a child is weakened; the mother is sick and the child is angry; the mother comes to the son and wins over the other 7., six, kinky disease has obvious seasonal is () Fire evil, wind evil, damp pathogen, cold evil, summer heat evil 8., the basis of yin and Yang transformation is () Yin and Yang antagonism, yin and Yang restriction, yin and Yang each other, yin and yang balance, yin and Yang struggle 9. anger is the ambition of the liver, but it is also related to the Zang organs Heart, lung, spleen, kidney, pe



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