照亮子宫的隐形世界(The invisible world that lights the womb).doc

照亮子宫的隐形世界(The invisible world that lights the womb).doc

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照亮子宫的隐形世界(The invisible world that lights the womb)

照亮子宫的隐形世界(The invisible world that lights the womb) The invisible world that lights the womb (1) The significance of the womb to women What is the meaning of the womb for a woman? The most beautiful image of the womb appeared in the manuscript of Da Vince, the great master of the Renaissance. There was a full-term fetus in the womb, so it was said that the meaning of the womb was the palace of the child.. In this respect, the womb is also a hotbed for women to become mothers. As one of the most important reproductive organs of women, from the womb mature, they began to fulfill their heavy mission - forming and discharging menstruation, giving birth to women, until aging, relegated to the second line. A few years ago, the National Geographic channel broadcast the documentary womb, through a new generation of 4D dynamic three-dimensional scanning technology, opened a window for the uterus, the uterus of the first show complete darkness has never been known to the world. From the largest cell in the human body egg and the smallest cell sperm meet the moment, to create a new life from the first day until the thirty-eighth week break, a complete record of the magic of life history, to see how the first heart beat, muscle twitching and fetal when there is a feeling, when your eyes and picture. October: an eventful year of uterine pregnancy The growth period is an eventful year of the uterus, uterus before and after this period, experienced the most busy time. In the past 40 weeks, the baby develops from a single cell into more than 200 trillions of cells, and these cells end up forming complex, self - sufficient lives. And these activities are done in the womb. Fertilization and implantation Fertilized eggs formed by sperm and egg cells swim along fallopian tubes to safer uterus. 1 weeks after the blastocyst to the fallopian tubes at the bottom of the uterus, the next 9 months settle down. Early pregnancy The formation of a single ovum into a fully formed baby. Embryonic



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