爱情我浅尝辄止(I tasted love).doc

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爱情我浅尝辄止(I tasted love)

爱情我浅尝辄止(I tasted love) Peking University Campus DV drama, Peking University Student TGR studio studio production classic quotations: Others on the study is to soak girls, you go to school is to be girls bubble, and at the same time, a dormitory of the gap between people on this big?! They only get psychological balance when theyre sarcastic to you all the time, or youre crazy if youre not crazy! Singles for three and a half years sow game diao! The moral coefficient is very bad, and its a negative number! Impulse is the devil, impulse is a fetter, is also a pair of handcuffs, is never regret.! Its out of tune, like going back to the zoo. The book to use when Fang hates less, I this life is to eat no culture loss, or else not to play bachelor so long. If I were not bent on learning, my child would be full of a Kang. How come you never let go of your chances of flirting with the masses? So far, I feel that my life has changed a little.! Water is active, the tree has a root, no home is in deep distress! Why are you so fond of petty gains? Doesnt it mean that there is no pure friendship between men and women?! No, we can make it.! For him, there are only two kinds of girls in the world. One is on a bubble, and the other is soaked for a long time. He never soaks it up. I think there are three girls in college the best global, the first is called First come, first served., xiangyanghua wood into spring , this shows that they are in the same class, rijiushengqing, you are the direct beneficiaries of this sentence...... The second is called the Lotus just buds, as early as a dragonfly, which is to say a big girl, they just get rid of the dull life of high school, the university is full of yearning for freedom of love, as long as you The early bird catches coaxed, certainly as sure as a gun...... The third is called the year refused to marry the spring breeze, autumn was endless error , it is said that the senior girls, they still dont have a boyfriend, you think not at the



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