生物圈中作用(Role in biosphere).doc

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生物圈中作用(Role in biosphere)

生物圈中作用(Role in biosphere) The fifth chapter: the role of bacteria and fungi in the biosphere Section 1: the role of bacteria and fungi in nature Class: Grade Two Teaching objectives Knowledge target 1. summarizes the three major roles of bacteria and fungi in nature: A. as a decomposer, participation in the material cycle, B. causing disease in animals and plants, and C. and animal and plant symbiosis 2. explore the decomposition of bacteria and fungi in nature. Ability target 1., through the introduction of this chapter of learning, to cultivate students ability to sum up. 2., through observation, to train students good observation, analysis and thinking ability. Emotional goal 1., through the study of this chapter, cultivate the dialectical point of view of students, and establish a biological and environmental adaptation point of view. 2., stimulate students to love nature, love the feelings of nature. Emphasis on Teaching The action of bacteria and fungi in the material cycle. Teaching difficulties The symbiosis of bacteria and fungi with animals and plants. Teaching methods The combination of multimedia demonstration and observation. Teaching aids preparation 1. teacher preparation: Multimedia CAI courseware about three main functions of bacteria and fungi in nature. 2. student preparation: (1) observe the decay process of fruit or bread before class. (2) collect information related to bacteria and fungi (collected from daily life). Class arrangement 1 hours The teaching process Review questions and answer new courses Teacher: in the previous chapter, we studied bacteria, fungi, and then, morphologically, the biggest difference between bacteria and fungi is that of bacteria and fungi (students say: bacteria have no nucleus, only nuclear areas; and fungi have a forming nucleus, which has a complete cell structure). The bacteria we have learned can be divided into fractions (students are told: coccus, bacillus, and helix) (students follow: yeast, Penicillium, Asp



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