饭后十六件事千万不要做(Never do sixteen things after dinner).doc

饭后十六件事千万不要做(Never do sixteen things after dinner).doc

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饭后十六件事千万不要做(Never do sixteen things after dinner)

饭后十六件事千万不要做(Never do sixteen things after dinner) We all know that unhealthy diet may lead to terrible illness, some small habits, but often ignored when everyone knows, these little habits of living, is likely to be fatal to your health killer...... First, do not go to bed immediately. Because the food has just eaten, the stomach filled with food, digestive function is in a state of movement, and then sleep will affect the digestion of the stomach, is not conducive to food absorption. At the same time, after meals, the brain has insufficient blood supply. If you go to bed immediately after meals, it is easy to cause a stroke because of insufficient blood supply to the brain. In addition, after sleep, the bodys metabolic rate decreased, easy to intake of calories contained in food into fat and fattening. Two, should not immediately sing karaoke. There is also a folk saying, full blown, hungry singing, this sentence is correct. Eat descendants stomach capacity increases, gastric wall thinning, increased blood flow, then singing causes the diaphragm down, abdominal pressure increases, the light is caused by indigestion, will cause gastrointestinal discomfort and other symptoms. First of all, whether at home or to a restaurant to eat, most people want to have a quiet and comfortable dining environment, and produced strong sound stimulation and individual karaoke uncivilized diners go out of tune cavity strange cries sing, and most of the guests dining undoubtedly caused mental torture. Secondly, the stomach capacity of the later generations increased, the stomach wall thinned and the blood flow increased. At this time, singing will make the diaphragm move down, abdominal pressure increases, light causes indigestion, heavy gastrointestinal discomfort and other diseases. In addition, if the meal drinkers, with the stimulation of alcohol, peoples throat, vocal cord naturally congestion, at this time karaoke will increase throat, vocal cord congestion and edema, easily lea



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