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2007, 23 ( 3) : 27- 30, 35 J ournal of E ology and R ural Environm ent 1 1 1 1 2 2 马建伟 , 张宋智, 郭小龙, 张会军, 陈立同, 赵长明 ( 1. , 74 1022; 2. /, 730000) : , , , , 40. 236, 2. 204, 38. 032, 1 17. 26, , , : ; ; ; : S718. 56; X 17 1. 1 : A : 1673- 483 1( 2007) 03- 0027- 04 1 1 Evaluation on Service Function of the Forest Ecosystem of X iao long M ountain.MA J ianw ei , ZHANG Songzh i , 1 1 2 2 GUO X iaolong , ZHANG H u ijun , CH EN L itong , ZHAO Changm ing ( 1. X iao longshan R esearch nstitute of Fo restry, T ianshui 741022, China; 2. Schoo l of L ife Sciences, L anzhou U niversity /K ey L aboratory ofA rid and G rassland Eco logy of M inistry of Education, L anzhou 730000, China) Abstract: X iao long M oun tain woodland, lo ca ted in thew est of the Q inling M ounta ins and the sou theast ofG ansu P rov ince, prov ides an mi po rtant ro le as ! blue barr ier∀ fo r the L oess P lateau. T his area is also a crucia l fo rest ecosy stem that con serves w ater sources to the m iddle and low er reaches of the Y e llow R iver and the Changjiang R iver and gua rantees eco log i ca l safety of these two larg e r iver w ate rsheds in Ch ina. Based on the accumu lated and co llected da ta of th is a rea, serv ice function of the forest ecosy stem w as eva luated using the m arke t valua tion m ethod and substitute costm ethod. R esu lts show tha t the annual averag e value of the serv ice function of the X iao long M ounta in fo rest ecosy stem w as estmi ated at around



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