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The Dynamics of OneonOne Teaching(OneonOne教学的动力)
The Dynamics of
One-on-One Teaching
Anthony F. Grasha
Abstract. A comprehensive model of the and having students working as teaching professionally personal interactions are
dynamics of one-on-one teaching is described. or research assistants also provide oppor- complex. Depending on the setting and
Adoption of specific teaching styles is influ- tunities to work closely with students. goals, they may function as teaching-
enced by the learning styles of students; the
interest in faculty to build interpersonal rela- Both undergraduate and graduate stu- learning encounters, mentoring opportuni-
tionships with learners; teacher need to con- dents have access to opportunities that ties, supervisory sessions, consultative
trol the task; the capability of students; and personalize teaching and enhance the relationships, or opportunities to motivate,
situational constraints. In clinical settings, quality of their educational experience. coach, and guide students. It is usually the
thesis work, and other areas, faculty preferred Outside of a few studies investigating case that more than one of the latter ele-
the use of Personal Model, Facilitator,
and Delegator teaching styles. Relative to mentoring relationships between students ments will be involved. This makes it dif-
classroom teaching, these styles were used and faculty (e.g., Green and Bauer 1995; ficult to examine one-on-one teacher and
more frequently and the Expert and Formal Jacobi 1991), relatively little research
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