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The Importance and Benefits of Alfalfa in the (紫花苜蓿的重要性和好处)
The Importance and Benefits of
Alfalfa in the 21st Century
Executive points of view. It was apparent that Providing Significant Wildlife
many of the attributes of alfalfa were Habitat . Alfalfa is the beginning of a
Summary poorly understood. Furthermore, there food chain, and contributes valuable
were few publications that attempted habitat for hundreds of species of
to document the benefits of agriculture herbivores and animals of prey. It hosts
to the environment. several endangered species, plus many
Will an advanced industrial society In this publication, we present a familiar ones. Those who love nature
value humble crop plants being grown series of topics related to alfalfa’s role should appreciate alfalfa’s support of
adjacent to multi-million dollar office in agriculture and the environment. many wildlife species.
complexes or homes? Does the public The goal of this publication is to allow Alfalfa as an Insectary . Alfalfa is
know how important agriculture is to readers to become more familiar with a source of incredible insect diversity,
their daily lives, providing not only alfalfa’s importance as a crop, and its which includes many valuable ‘benefi-
food but a wide variety of other benefits contributions to broader social goals. cial’ insects. These, in turn help control
as well? Or, when push comes to many other types of insect and mite
shove, will society simply dispense
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