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服务之道 A Path of Service 1. 患时代之所需 Anxiously Concerned 2. 永恒之美 Abandon not the Everlasting Beauty 3. 权能之手 O Befriended Stranger 4. 推动文明 Advancing Civilization 5. 恩泽之洋 Ocean of Grace 6. 男女平等 Equality of Men and Women 7. 一土所造 Created from the Same Dust 8. 归向我吧! Turn Thy Face unto Mine 9. 超脱若日 Detachment is as the Sun 10. 普世团结 Unity of Mankind 1. 患时代之所需 Anxiously Concerned “患时代之所需,虑时代之所急。” “Be anxiously concerned with the needs of the age ye live in, and center your deliberations on its exigencies and requirements.” 作曲 Music composition: Elika Mahony 中文主唱 vocals: 赵莉 Zhao Li, 曹嘉南 Cao Jianan 钢琴手 Piano: Elika Mahony 埙笛 Xun Flute: Bruce Gremo 2. 永恒之美 Abandon not the Everlasting Beauty “朋友们啊!勿为必逝之美而抛弃永恒之美,也别钟情于这速朽的俗世尘灰。” “O Friends! Abandon not the everlasting beauty for a beauty that must die, and set not your affections on this mortal world of dust.” 作曲 Music composition: Elika Mahony 中文主唱 vocals: 赵莉 Zhao Li 钢琴手 Piano: Elika Mahony 长笛 Flute: Bruce Gremo 大提琴 Cello: Bo Peng 3. 权能之手 O Befriended Stranger “被友待的陌生人啊!我用权能之手,点燃你心灵之烛,莫让自私和贪欲的逆风吹熄。想着我,就能将你一切病痛治愈。这一点你要时刻牢记!让我的爱成为你的财富,像对自己的眼睛和生命那样珍惜!” “O Befriended Stranger! The candle of thine heart is lighted by the hand of My power, quench it not with the contrary winds of self and passion. The healer of all thine ills is remembrance of Me, forget it not. Make My love thy treasure and cherish it even as thy very sight and life.” 作曲 Music composition: 刘娜 Melody Liu 中文主唱 vocals: 曹嘉南 Cao Jianan 吉他 Guitar: Adam Varjavandi 长笛 Flute: Bruce Gremo 其他乐器编配 Additional instruments: Jarome Matthew 4. 推动文明 Advancing Civilization “人人生来是为了推动文明不断进步的。” “All men have been created to carry forward an ever-advancing civilization.” 作曲 Music composition: Elika Mahony 中文主唱 Chinese vocals: 赵莉 Zhao Li 英文主唱 English vocals: Elika Mahony 钢琴手 Piano: Elika Mahony 印度长笛 India Flute: Bruce Gremo 大提琴 Cello: Bo Peng 其他乐器编配 Percussion and additional instruments: Jarome Matthew 5. 恩泽之洋 Ocean of Grace “上帝之道的行者啊!在上帝的恩泽之洋里获取属于你的那份吧,莫拒绝其深处的宝藏。让你自己成为这些宝藏的分享者之一吧。若取这大洋里的一


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