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304 Vol.30No .4
2 00812 Journal of Earth Sciences and Environment Dec.2 0 0 8
( , 710054)
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。3 :,
-, ,
、S-C 、A 、A 、、、,
(c+g), 36°, σ≈317°∠84°;, -,
, , , ;
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, -, ,
、, 。, , -
:P54 :A :1672-6561(2008)04-0357-010
Structural Characteristics and ItsOre-controlling Effect in
Ergedai GoldDeposit in Tekesi Daban, XinjiangProvince
NIE Jiang-tao, WEI Gang-feng, LI Yong-jun, LI Sai-sai
(S choo l of Ear th S ciences and R esour ces , Chan g an Uni versi ty , X i an 710054, S haan x i, Chi na)
Abstract:Geological investigation, indoor microstructure and fabric analyses were performed on the Ergedai gold
deposit located at the eastern Yishijilike Mountain.The results indicate that, the host stratum of the deposit was
island arc volcaniclastic rock which belonged to the upper member of lower Carboniferous Dahalajunshan
Formation.Three stages of tectonic movements had happened during the Hercynian period.In the late stage of
early Carboniferous, the right-lateral E-W trending ductile-brittle shear zones were formed near the core of the
Yishijilike anticline, which extended in the form of gentle wave along strike and dip and presented schitosity
zones, S-C foliation, A-type fold, A-type lineation, subgrains in quartz, wavy extinction, relic phenocrysts and
structural lens.LPOs of quartz are all composed of small girdle patterns and strong maxima(c+g)with opening
angle of 36°, σ≈317°∠84°.During the late Carboniferous period, the ductile-brittle shear zones experienced a
left-lateral shearing and with the increasing of brittle deg