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33 9 Vo.l 33 No. 9
: 0253- 9993( 2008) 09- 058- 05
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张明青 , 刘炯天 , 王永田
( , 22 008; 2 , 22 008)
: 利用扩展的 DLVO理论计算了 2种硬度条件下煤和高岭石组成的煤泥水中颗粒之间的相
作用, 建立了包括范德华作用能静电作用能与界面极化作用能与颗粒间距的势能曲线, 并进
行了沉降试验. 结果表明: 当水质硬度为 0 mmol/L 时, 煤颗粒之间高岭石颗粒之间以及煤
与高岭石颗粒之间都不凝聚而处于悬浮态; 当水质硬度为 00 mmol/L 时, 煤颗粒之间最易凝
聚, 其次是煤颗粒和高岭石颗粒凝聚, 剩余的高岭石颗粒始终不凝聚而分散悬浮于水中.
: 水质硬度; 煤; 高岭石; 分散; 扩展的DLVO 理论
: TQ5369 : A
E ffects of water hardness on the dispersion of fine
coal and kaolin ite in coal slurry
2 2
ZHANG M ingqing, LIU Jiongtian , WANG Y ongtian
( S ch ool of Ch em ical Eng ineering and Technology, Ch ina University of M ining and Technology, X uzhou 22 008, C hina; 2S ch ool of Env ironm en t
S cience and Spa tial Inf orma tics, Ch ina Un iv ersity of M in ing and T echnology, X uzhou 22 008, Ch ina
Abs tract: The interaction energies betw een the particles in coalkaolin ite suspensionsw ere calculated using ex
tended DLVO ( Derjaguin- Landau- Verw ey- Overbeek) theory and the aggregation mechan isms w ere analyzed
based on settling expermi ents under the different cond itions ofw ater hardness. The results indicate that all particles
do not coagulate inw aterw henw ater hardness is 0 mmol/L. Asw ater hardness reaches 00 mmol/L, coal par
ticles coagulate each other easily; then coal particlesm ay coagu late w ith kaolinite particles; how ever, no coagu la
tion occurs betw een redundant kaolin ite particles, so they still suspend in w ater.
K ey w ord s: w ater hardness;