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第 50 卷 第 10 期 林 业 科 学 Vol. 50 ,No. 10
2 0 1 4 年 10 月 SCIENTIA SILVAE SINICAE Oct . ,2 0 1 4
doi :10 .11707 / j .100 1-7488 .20 14 1025
油松毛虫体 内酶 系对油松诱导抗性 的响应机 制*
张雄 帅 周 国娜 高宝嘉
(河 北 农业大学林学院 保定 07 1000 )
关键词 : 油松 ; 油松 毛 虫 ; 诱 导抗性 ; 解 毒 酶 ; 保 护 酶 ; 消化 酶
中图分类号 : Q968 文献标识码 : A 文章编号 : 100 1 - 7488 (20 14 ) 10 - 0 18 1 - 07
Response Mechanisms of Pine Caterpillar Enzymatic System to Pine Induced Resistance
Zhang Xiongshuai Zhou Guona Gao Baoj ia
( Forestry College ,Agricultural University of Hebei Baoding 07 1000 )
Abstract : To explore counter-defense response mechanism of pine caterpillar (Dendrolinus punctatus tabulaeformis Tsai
et Liu ) to the induced insect-resistance of Chinese pine (Pinus tabulaef ormis ) ,the Chinese pine was fed by different
amount pine caterpillars to obtain induced insect-resistance in Pingquan of Hebei Province ,and main detoxifying enzymes ,
protective enzymes and digestive enzymes of pine caterpillars fed on the Chinese pine leaf were determined . The results
showed that most of enzymes in the pine caterpillars changed obviously after feeding various induced resistant pine leaves.
Carboxylesterase ,glutathione-transferase ,superoxide dismutase ,peroxidase and protease activity of the lavae increased
significantly with the increasing feeding stimulation . Acetylcholinesterase ,lipase and amylase activity of the lavae had
some change but no obviously linear variation ,and acetylcholinesterase activity had no change . The results indicated that
carboxyl esterase ,glutathione-s-transfe