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初中英语A Easy to Learn 第一册 Module 1 Welcome to the Middle School 单词词组 英英释义 中文释义 词源 tongue twister A word or phrase that is difficult to say quickly 绕口令 piper A musician who plays the bagpipe 风笛手 pipe 来自拉丁语pipare,管子发出的叽叽声,砰砰声,拟声词。引申词义:管子,管道,管乐器 peck A unit of dry measure equal to 8 quarts or one quarter of a bushel 配克,计量单位 pickled Pickled food, such as vegetables, fruit and fish, has been kept in vinegar or salt water to preserve it 腌制的 pickle 来自荷兰语pekel, 卤水,腌菜,最终词源不详,据说是来自中世纪发明这种腌菜的一个荷兰渔夫的名字。中文释义:腌菜 Module 2 Personal Information 单词词组 英英释义 中文释义 词源 festival A festival is an organized series of events such as musical concerts or drama production 节日 来自拉丁语festa, 假日,词义由祭祀,庆祝,狂欢引申为盛宴等。 Module 3 Hobbies and Abilities 单词词组 英英释义 中文释义 词源 bat (a long wooden stick with a special shape that is used in some sports and games.(a small animal like a mouse with wings that flies around at night. (球棒、球拍(蝙蝠 (棍子,词源同beat, 击,打。 (蝙蝠,词源不详,可能来自拟声词,模仿蝙蝠扇动翅膀的声音。 Module 4 Families and Friends 单词词组 英英释义 中文释义 词源 chubby A chubby person is rather fat. (人)胖的,圆滚滚的 来自chub, 白鲑。 athletic An athletic person is fit, and able to perform energetic movements easily 运动型的,身体健壮的 encyclopedia en-,进入、使; -cycle, 圈; -ped, 儿童,足。原指教育小孩的通识教育丛书,后指百科全书。 Module 5 Neighborhood 单词词组 英英释义 中文释义 词源 neighborhood The neighborhood of a place or person is the area or the people around them. 所在地,邻近的地方,邻居 neighbor,邻居,-hood,名词后缀 in the neighborhood A place in the neighborhood of another place is near it. 靠近 gallery A gallery is a place that has permanent exhibitions of art in it. (艺术作品的)陈列室;美术馆 来自拉丁语Galilaea, 现巴勒斯坦地名Galilee,原指位于Galilee的教堂门廊,走廊。 avenue (Avenue is used in names of streets.(an avenue is a wide, straight road, especially one with trees on either side (大街 (林荫大道 前缀a-同ad-.词根ven, 来,见advent. advent the advent of something: the time when something first begins to be widely used. 某事物的出现 前缀ad-, 去,往。词根vent, 来,词源同come. Module 6 School Day Module 7 Transportation 单词词组 英英释义 中文释义 词源 standard A standard is


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