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(2)In my opinion,happiness________good health, not in wealth. A.consists in B.consists of C.consists with D.consists on 解析:选A。句意为:依我的观点来看,幸福在于健康而不在于财富。consist of表示“由……组成”;consist with表示“与……一致”;consist in表示“在于……”。根据句意可知应选A项。 7 It is also the most exciting city in New Zealand with people of many different cultures living there. 它也是新西兰最具活力的多元文化交融的城市。 品味经典 ①Premier Wen Jiabao looked at the ruins left by the earthquake with eyebrows frowning slightly. 温家宝总理看着地震后留下的废墟,双眉微蹙。 句型巧析 ②Mr.Brown was thinking for a while with his eyes shut. 布朗先生闭着眼睛思考了片刻。 ③With so many things to deal with,I can’t go on holiday. 有这么多事要处理,我不能去度假。 ④Miss Green said good-bye with tears in her eyes. 格林小姐眼含泪水说再见。 ⑤The professor came in,(with a) glass in (his) hand. 那位教授手里拿着一个玻璃杯走了进来。 ⑥It is not polite to speak with your mouth full. 你满嘴食物说话是不礼貌的。 ⑦Jim was so careless that he left the classroom with all the lights on. 吉姆如此粗心大意以至于他让所有的灯开着就离开了教室。 自我探究 本句是一个“主+系+表”结构的简单句。in New Zealand作状语;with people of many different cultures living there是“with复合结构”,作定语,修饰city。 with复合结构,即“with+宾语+宾补”,常见形式如下: (1)with+n./pron.+doing (2)with+n./pron.+done (3)with+n./pron.+to do (4)with+n./pron.+介词短语 (5)with+n./pron.+adj. (6)with+n./pron.+adv. 牛刀小试 (1)(2011年连云港高一模拟)The April 10,2010 air crash,with a Russian Tu-145 plane_______Poland’s President Lech Kaczinsky,his wife and many Polish government and military officials,shocked the whole world. A.carried B.being carried C.carrying D.to carry 解析:选C。考查with的复合结构。句意为:2010年4月10日的空难震惊了全世界,失事飞机是一架俄罗斯Tu-145飞机,机上乘客包括波兰总统Lech Kaczinsky及其夫人,还有很多波兰政府和军队官员。with+宾语(a Russian Tu-145 plane)+宾补,plane与作补语的carry之间是主谓关系,用现在分词作宾补一起构成with的复合结构。 (2)With a lot of homework________,I can’t go to the cinema with you after school. A.done B.doing C.having done D.to do 解析:选D。考查with的复合结构。句意为:由于有很多作业要做,我放学以后不能跟你去看电影了。在with+宾语(homework)+宾补的结构中,不定式作宾补表示将来的动作,符合题意,而且不定式在with结构中作宾补时多用主动形式表被动意义,故答案选D。 (3)—Come on,please give me some ideas about the project. —Sorry.With so much work________my mind,I


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