巧克力如何风靡世界的(How swept the world in chocolate).doc

巧克力如何风靡世界的(How swept the world in chocolate).doc

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巧克力如何风靡世界的(How swept the world in chocolate)

巧克力如何风靡世界的(How swept the world in chocolate)   aerian-ade hlate and a(可可) prduts nuber in the hundreds there is a fasinating(迷人的)str behind these nderful prduts   hlate thrugh the ears   the str f hlate, as far ba as e n it, begins ith the disver f aeria until 1492, the ld rld(指欧洲大陆,相对于美洲大陆)ne nthing at all abut the deliius and stiulating flavr富有刺激性的口味) that as t bee the favrite f illins   the urt f ing ferdinand and queen isabella gt its first l at the prinipal ingredient(调料、原料)f hlate hen lubus returned in triuph fr aeria and laid befre the spanish thrne(王位)a treasure trve f an strange and nderful things ang these ere a fe dar brn beans(豆)that led lie alnds(杏仁)and seeed st unprising(无指望的) the ere a beans, tda’s sure f all ur hlate and a   the ing and queen never dreaed h iprtant a beans uld be, and it reained fr hernand rtez(科尔特斯), the great spanish explrer, t grasp(把握住)the erial pssibilities f the ne rld fferings   fd f the gds   during his nquest f exi, rtez fund the azte indians(阿兹特克印第安人)using a beans in the preparatin f the ral drin f the real, hlate, eaning ar liquid in 119, eperr ntezua, h reprtedl dran 0 r re prtins dail, served(提供,招待) hlate t his spanish guests in great glden gblets(高脚杯), treating it lie a fd fr the gds   fr all its regal(王室的) iprtane, hever, ntezua’s hlate as ver bitter(苦), and the spaniards did nt find it t their taste t ae the ntin(调制品) re agreeable t eurpeans, rtez and his untren neived the idea f seetening it ith ane sugar   the ne drin quil n friends, espeiall ang the spanish aristra(贵族) spain isel preeded t plant aa in its verseas lnies, hih gave birth t a ver prfitable(利润高的) business rearabl enugh, the spanish sueeded in eeping the art f the a industr a seret fr the rest f eurpe fr nearl a hundred ears   hlate spreads t eurpe   spanish ns, h had been nsigned(托运) t press the a beans, finall let the seret ut it did nt tae lng befre hlate as alaied(受到欢迎) thrughut eurpe as a deliius, health-giving fd fr a hile it reigned(主宰)as the drin


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