一个字形容中国历朝各代(A word to describe China each generation).doc

一个字形容中国历朝各代(A word to describe China each generation).doc

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一个字形容中国历朝各代(A word to describe China each generation)

一个字形容中国历朝各代(A word to describe China each generation) A word to describe China each generation Xia: Meng (candidate Yu) The Xia Dynasty is too far away from us, so that serious archaeologists are still looking for his cultural relics, to prove his degree of civilization. Our records about him, whether political, economic, cultural, scanty and so on many aspects, our impression of him only to their Zu Zongyu, because of his stupendous deeds, was later revered as a representative of Chinese civilization, by later generations sacrifice. This time with a glasses give the impression that we like, and the lens is covered with frost, not clear, hazy. The Shang Dynasty -- Adorable (candidate source and Zhou) Before twentieth Century, the western scholars also believe that the Shang and Xia Dynasty as just a legend of the dynasty, but when the site in the first half of twentieth Century after the discovery of unearthed Oracle almost completely confirms Sima Qian recorded in historical records in the king of the Shang Dynasty has made the genealogical table, become an indisputable fact. From the historical perspective of research can be conclusive (not that there is no national organization, the Xia Shang Dynasty) is established, and the resulting culture, ideology, religion, literature, art, calendar, text (Oracle) and so on all aspects of the Chinese civilization is like a river source. And this dynasty image because it is the last of a cruel king Zhou known. Relative to the importance of the Chinese civilization that he has sprouted and nurtured, the word Meng stands for accuracy. The Western Zhou Dynasty -- ceremony (candidate Ding) Yi After the Zhou Dynasty Zhou Wenwang and king for the fate of the concept of Gods arrangement, forming a follow the Providence concept, so as to establish a hierarchical system, become the legal basis of political country, is deeply influenced Chinese after 3000 years. Later Confucius was promoted, and the Western Zhou Dynasty legacy visible



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