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毕 业 设 计 英 汉 翻 译 设计名称: 毕业设计英汉翻译 题 目: 双鞍座支承的内压容器设计 学生姓名: 杨正豪 专 业: 化工装备技术 班 级: 装备1011 学 号: 201013040131 指导老师: 李 群 松 指导时间: 二0一二年十二月 双鞍座支撑的内压容器的合理设Double saddle support of the internal pressure vessel design reasonable To pick through the horizontal vessel force analysis, it is thought that the reasonable design of horizontal vessel shall be considered container saddle wrap Angle Η, width B and best position A, and reinforcing ring Settings, containers of length to diameter ratio L  Di, etc Keywords horizontal vessel stress support Horizontal vessel stress analysis and strength design are zeke (L.P.Z ick) put forward on the basis of the theory, the theory of saddle in the barrel of the stress and deformation analysis are more detailed, the use of some of the hypothesis is the basis of the actual stress measurement, and the stress calculation formula was revised. In addition, according to the stress properties puts forward all kinds of stress control values, practical application is feasible. Horizontal vessel design method has been gb1501998 \steel pressure vessel\ made specific provision, use steel pressure vessel design calculation software based on calculation and ten. 1 force analysis in the design of horizontal vessel, what are the force analysis is first the bear load: operating pressure (internal pressure or external pressure), container itself quality (including cylinder body, head and accessories quality), material quality (hydraulic test should be considered when the quality of the water), etc. In the following discussion on double saddle type horizontal vessel force analysis. In addition to conventional design according to the calculation, the strength of the cylinder head outside, still should check support in the local stress. The local stress calculation depends on the support structure. Although the stress si


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