analysis of the interests of minority shareholders to protect a number of issues(分析中小股东的利益保护问题).doc

analysis of the interests of minority shareholders to protect a number of issues(分析中小股东的利益保护问题).doc

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analysis of the interests of minority shareholders to protect a number of issues(分析中小股东的利益保护问题)

Analysis of the interests of minority shareholders to protect a number of issues Abstract In recent years, repeatedly damaged the interests of minority shareholders of our company, the main reason is due to the large shareholders of minority shareholders do not pay attention, ‘dominance’ and ‘Capital Majority’ principle, in order to own or company damage the interests of the interests of minority shareholders. China’s ‘Company Law’ have made provisions for the protection of the interests of minority shareholders, but the intensity is not enough. We can consider the ‘Company Law’ on the basis of participation in the costs and litigation conditions to strengthen the protection of the interests of minority shareholders from the company’s governance structure, shareholders’ meeting. Paper Keywords minority shareholders governance structure shareholder lawsuit With the progress of the times, the development of technology, ‘the word for us is to use more and more widely. Everywhere, but for the protection of minority shareholders of the Company has been a problem, especially in recent years, major shareholders prejudice the case of the minority shareholders have been common, such as Wuliangye distribution case, ST Houwang event, 39 pharmaceutical case, these we are a painful lesson. Why shareholders can damage the interests of minority shareholders? He damages the interests of the minority shareholders how to respond? How to be able to adjust the the equity balance between the big shareholders and minority shareholders? These are problems that plague us, in practice, we have been looking for answers. China’s ‘Law for the protection of the interests of minority shareholders to make certain provisions of the instructions, but some of these provisions is not enough clear, while others are asking for too much, so that minority shareholders can not be used in the actual legal provisions to protect themselves rights and interests. The following combination of



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