analysis of the rural distribution network on power engineering cost management innovation(分析农村配电网电力工程成本管理创新).doc

analysis of the rural distribution network on power engineering cost management innovation(分析农村配电网电力工程成本管理创新).doc

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analysis of the rural distribution network on power engineering cost management innovation(分析农村配电网电力工程成本管理创新)

Analysis of the rural distribution network on Power Engineering Cost Management Innovation Abstract: With the upgrading and development of power grid construction, power engineering importance of cost management has become increasingly prominent in the power grid construction projects play a vital role in rural transformation process based on the author’s work experience, the strengthening of rural electricity distribution network construction cost management are analyzed and elaborated in order to promote the further development of the rural power grid construction, power engineering construction of rural economic and social benefits is improved. Paper Keywords: distribution network, power grid construction project cost management Electricity is the main energy source in today’s dynamic economic development, the construction of the power distribution network has become China’s rural modernization is an important prerequisite and guarantee for rural modernization to provide a steady stream of energy and power protection support rural distribution network planning and construction and direct impact on the level of development of rural economic development and rural residents living material and spiritual improvement, which restricts the grand goal of building new countryside early realization. present, China’s rural electricity infrastructure is relatively backward, a large number of facilities need upgrading New, and Power Engineering Cost control and management is an important part of power construction projects, good electrical engineering cost management, reasonable construction cost to complete power management, can effectively improve the power supply enterprise economic efficiency, reduce the loss of rural power grids while also greatly improve the effective utilization of energy. First, the engineering design stage management Electrical engineering design is the overall construction project outline, is the fundamental basis for cost control, al



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