2011年4月自考真题机械设计基础(From April 2011 Zhenti mechanical design foundation).doc

2011年4月自考真题机械设计基础(From April 2011 Zhenti mechanical design foundation).doc

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2011年4月自考真题机械设计基础(From April 2011 Zhenti mechanical design foundation)

2011年4月自考真题机械设计基础(From April 2011 Zhenti mechanical design foundation) A single choice: 1, the metal forging is the ease with which metal forging, forging the following materials was [A]. A. high carbon steel B. pure metal C. single phase solid solution of low carbon steel body D. uniform 2, welding head general use [D]. A. C.T then the word butt B. fillet lap D. In 3, the alloy, alloy of the worst flow is [B]. A. B. gray cast iron cast steel C. copper alloy D. Aluminum Alloy Connect 4, casting wall or rib should be [C] The A. connection B. right angle connecting C. fillet angle connection D. cross connect 5, the batch production of parts selection blank: the eccentric shaft should be selected [] cars, the pulley should be [B]. A. B. C. D. welding of casting forging stamping parts 6, when the cutting force acting on the workpiece on the vertical and the cause of poor working stability of machine tool milling mode is [C]. A. peripheral milling B. end milling C. inverse milling milling D. 7, in sheet metal stamping and bending, bending the fiber direction [C] direction bending arc and sheet. A. vertical B. oblique C. 8, processing of plastic material or finish machining, tool can choose the rake angle of [B]. A. small B. large After 9, the angle between the knife in the orthogonal plane measurement surface and the cutting plane is [B]. A. angle B. angle C. angle D. after the main cutting edge inclination 10, workers in a place of work to complete the continuous processing of parts machining process is part of a process called [B]. A. B. C. D. installation process step working stroke 11, the grinding wheel hardness is [D] C. binder tightness of B. grinding wheel abrasive hardness A. the hardness of D. grinding difficult degree of abscission 12, turning a slender shaft, in order to prevent the workpiece bending and vibration, should minimize [D] A. B. angle C. axial force radial force main angle D. 13, with the method of turning end processing, mainly for [A]. The plane



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