cpu越贵越好 实测gtx680对cpu依赖度(CPU the more expensive, the better Measured gtx680 dependence on CPU).doc

cpu越贵越好 实测gtx680对cpu依赖度(CPU the more expensive, the better Measured gtx680 dependence on CPU).doc

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cpu越贵越好 实测gtx680对cpu依赖度(CPU the more expensive, the better Measured gtx680 dependence on CPU)

cpu越贵越好 实测gtx680对cpu依赖度(CPU the more expensive, the better Measured gtx680 dependence on CPU) Many users tend to consider how to CPU collocation a suitable graphics card in cuanji, often in the selection of graphics will think the game performance is more expensive compared to some of the graphics card more cheap can make up for the platform. The truth is only relative, today I will give you contrast data dependent NV Kepler graphics, the test results will change the minds of users sense of presence CPU. You why want to use Kepler test? Kepler NV chip is the latest graphics chip manufacturers in 2012 this year, the official GTX680 card using Kepler chip, many want to upgrade their graphics friends will also pay attention to GTX680 graphics, Kepler become the market mainstream graphics core models. When it comes to the Kepler chip in this simple analysis of NVIDA (cross era) new technology used in graphics chip: NVIDIA called intelligent task will choose before decoding based on S in Kepler, and then directly decoded and sent to complete the follow-up processing pipeline. In the process, from instruction decoding to perform almost without delay, so the entire assembly line to achieve the highest efficiency (as shown below). The difference of Kepler framework and Fermi framework implementation of Scheduling process Today I dont talk about Kepler black technology, combined with the above information can know Kepler compared to the previous generation NV chip graphics chip has more robust performance, so today I choose Intel core i3-2120, Intel core i5-2300, Intel core i7-2600K and collocation Z77 motherboard, GTX680 public version of Kepler graphics card dependence test on CPU. The test platform architecture and software environment In this test, the author use the simplified Chinese version of the Windows 7 32bit version of the operating system, close all Windows startup items, and not for any operating system optimization, to obtain the maximum system stability and c



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