kx驱动几个基本插件简介(KX drive several basic plug-in profiles).doc

kx驱动几个基本插件简介(KX drive several basic plug-in profiles).doc

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kx驱动几个基本插件简介(KX drive several basic plug-in profiles)

kx驱动几个基本插件简介(KX drive several basic plug-in profiles) There are 4 groups of output on the right, 6 groups of input in each group was assigned to the 4 output terminals, from plug-in right from top to bottom are: Mian, Rec, Send1, Send2, and from the upper right to see the plug-in interface number: first for Rec, second for the button is the button is Mian third channel switch button is activated, fourth line, fifth line Send2 fader fader is Send1, each input channel volume control by a row at the bottom of the clippers. Two are on the right side of the fader interface total volume control Mian and Rec output, the upper right corner of the SWAP button is the Mian and Rec output swap, PFR is the volume control button bypass each input directly to send a signal to the Mian and Rec output before the total volume control. At this time, each input is sent to the Send1 and Send2 still play a role in the volume control. Look at a simple configuration, for example, has 3 input: Foobar (SRC 4/5 port), system (SRC 0/1 port), MIC input, 5.1 output hypothesis is sound, you want to listen to music by the post system output, sound output, pre headset headset output center. If you want to turn off the microphone, and switch to the headset headset to listen to music, only need to adjust the MX6, configuration and hardware connections without changing other plug-ins Gain/GainX The volume control knob. ASIO Is a mapping of the ASIO channel plug-in, which is responsible for receiving the signal through the ASIO plug-in ASIO drive system for transportation This plugin will be used generally only in professional recording software. The biggest difference WinMM ASIO channel and Recording channel mentioned above is that ASIO can provide low latency multi channel recording, while WinMM Recording only two channels (a stereo recording). The ASIO plugin is not adjust it on the left side of the terminal interface, from top to bottom in order to define the various channels, move the cursor to th



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