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智 课 网 G M A T 备 考 资 料 GMAT逻辑解题技巧之范围题-智课教育 在GMAT考试中逻辑部分是让考生比较头疼的一种题型,而范围题 是逻辑部分的常考题型。为此,在本文小编将通过例题为大家介绍GM AT逻辑中范围题的解题方法,希望对考生备考有所帮助。 例题: The importance of the ozone layer to terrestrial animals is that it entirely filters out some wavelengths of light but lets others through. Holes in the ozone layer and the dangers associated with these holes are well documented. However, one danger that has not been given sufficient attention is that these holes could lead to severe eye damage for animals of many species. Which one of the following is most strongly supported by the statements above, if they are true. A). All wavelengths of sunlight that can cause eye damage are filtered out by the ozone layer where it is intact. B). Few species of animals live on a part of the earth\s surface that is not threatened by holes in the ozone layer C). Some species of animals have eyes that will not suffer any damage when exposed to unfiltered sunlight D). A single wavelength of sunlight can cause severe damage to the eyes of most species of animals E). Some wavelengths of sunlight that cause eye damage are more likely to reach the earth\s surface where there are holes in the ozone layer than where there are not, 分析部分: The importance of the ozone layer to terrestrial animals is that it entirely filters out some wavelengths of light but lets others through. Holes in the ozone layer and the dangers associated with these holes are well documented. However, one danger that has not been given sufficient attention is that these holes could lead to severe eye damage for animals of many species. Which one of the following is most strongly supported by the statements above, if they are true. A). All wavelengths of sunlight that can cause eye damage are filtered out by the ozone layer where it is intact. 错的原因:All wavelengths 太strong。原文只知完好的臭氧层


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