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智 课 网 G M A T 备 考 资 料 GMAT数学算术概述(三)-智课教育 在考题中经常会问到从某一数量到另一数量百分比的增加或减少。 首先算出增加或减少的量,然后除以原来的那个量,即“from”或“th an”后面的量。接下来小编就给大家介绍一下GMAT数学算术概述第三 部分,希望对大家备考GMAT数学考试有帮助。 二.分数:fractions 分子:numerator 分母:denominator 分数的加减乘除:addition,subtraction,multiplication and division of fractions 繁分数和假分数:mixed number and improper fraction 繁分数是指一个数由一个整数和一个分数构成。 假分数是指分子大于分母的分数。例如:7/3 三.小数:decimals 科学计数法:scientific notation Sometimes decimals are expressed as the product of a number with only one digit to the left of the decimal point and a power of 10. This is called scientific notation. For example, 231 can be written as 2.31×102 and 0.0231 can be written as 2.31×10-2. When a number is expressed in scientific notation, the exponent of the 10 indicates the number of places that the decimal point is to be moved in the number that is to be multiplied by a power of 10 in order to obtain the product. The decimal point is moved to the right if the exponent is positive and to the left if the exponent is negative. For example, 20.13×103 is equal to 20,130 and 1.91×10-4 is equal to 0.000191. 四舍五入:to the nearest 小数点:decimal point eriod 四.实数:real numbers 正数和负数:positive and negative numbers 绝对值:absolute value 五.比率与比例:ratio and proportion 一个比率ratio可以表示成许多方式,例如:the ratio of 2 to 3可以被表达为2 to 3,2:3,或者2/3。注意比率中的中项的顺序是重要的,即2 to 3和3 to 2不同。A proportion is a statement that two ratios are equal。例如:2/3=8/12是一个proportion。 六.百分比:percent Percent means per hundred or number out of 100。 在考题中经常会问到从某一数量到另一数量百分比的增加或减少。 首先算出增加或减少的量,然后除以原来的那个量,即“from”或“th an”后面的量。 七.数的幂和根 :powers and roots of numbers x n意味着the nth power of x。例如:64 is the 6th power of 2。2 is a 6th root of 64。 立方根是指cube root。 以上就是关于GMAT数学算术概述的相关内容介绍,希望大家能够 了解。多多备考了解GMAT相关信息 ,争取做到万无一失。更多关于G MAT数学概述的介绍小编会为大家呈现。最后祝大家顺利备考GMAT考 试,早日



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