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英语II(1) 如何进行期末考试复习 张智鹏 一.考试题型 考试题型与期末复习指导中的三套题相同: 1. 交际用语: 5x2=10分 2. 词汇与结构: 10x2=20分 3. 完形填空: 1x10x2=20分 4. 阅读理解: 2x5x3=30分 5. 写作: 1x20=20分 满分100分,考试时间90分钟 二.复习范围 全部的考题都来自以下三个复习范围: 形考作业册3套题:全部内容 期末复习指导3套题:全部内容 课本三个复习单元6/12/18中的Activity2/3/5/6 三.复习题统计 1. 交际用语 形考册+小蓝本 6套题,每套5题: 共30个题,占10分 考试题全部来自30题。 2. 语法词汇 形考册30个,小蓝本30个,复习单元45个,共105个题,占20分。 考试题95%来自这105个题。 三.复习题统计 3. 完形填空: 作业册:3篇 小蓝本:蓝本3篇 课本复习单元:3篇 考试题全部来自以上9篇,占20分。 4. 阅读理解 复习单元6篇,小蓝本6篇,形考册9篇 共21篇,占30分。 其中:判断正误9篇;选择题12篇 三.复习题统计 5 .作文 最近几年考试,共有5个题目: 作业册3个:Changes in life How to keep healthy My TV University Life 期末复习指导2个:My hobbies Living in a big city 完形填空 阅读 作文题目 2013. 7: Changes in Life 预测: changes in life There have been many changes in my life. I used to live in a small, cramped and gloomy house in the country. The best thing was that I could go to climb the hills easily. The worse thing was that it was too far from my school. Now, I live in a big and bright flat in the city. What I enjoy most is that there are many beautiful shops near my flat. What I hate most is that the air is usually dirty. 86词。 My TV University Life Our TV University is engaged in long distance education. The form of study is very easy for the learners like me. I can learn my courses anywhere at any time with a computer and internet. There are many web-based courses on line. I can use email to send my homework to my tutors and join online discussion forums. At the same time, my tutors help me solved the difficulties and puzzles in the tutorials once a week. I enjoy my TV university life. Living in a big city Different people would like to live in different places. Some want to live in the country, but many people like to live in a big city. (第一段,引入) They think city life is attractive with all its advantages and convenience. Fox example, there are many supermarkets and shopping malls in big cities, so it is easy to go shopping. There are also many restaurants in big cities, and they c


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