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torch 点燃火炬 light the torch damage 损害、损失、毁坏、破坏 脑损伤 brain damage 弥补损失 repair the damage 造成破坏 cause the damage 损害赔偿金damages endure the obstacle 经受挫折 牙痛我受不了。 I can’t endure toothache. 我不忍看到动物被虐待。 I can’t endure to see animals cruelly treated. I can’t endure seeing animals cruelly treated. highlight The highlight of the evening is her solo. 晚会的高潮是她的独唱部分。 gracious a.亲切的、和蔼的、有礼的;仁慈的 优雅的(古) n. grace 优美;仁厚 graceful 优雅的,优美的,得体的 chant 反复喊口号 chant the slogan glory 荣誉, 荣耀 获得荣誉 win glory He did sth. in all his glory. 他踌躇满志地… a. glorious 荣耀的,值得称道的 一项值得称颂的成就 a glorious achievement motion 使机器运作起来 set the machine in motion 使引擎运作起来 put the engine in motion 一动不动的 motionless 他一动不动地站着 He stood motionless. historic 历史性的事件 historic event 历史性的时刻 historic moment last vi. 持续三十分钟的会议 a meeting lasting 30 minutes flame be on fire be in flames fall apart The book was old and soon fell apart. 他竭尽全力想维护婚姻,不至于破碎。 He tried to keep the marriage from falling apart. drop by 我很高兴请你来串门。 I’m glad to have you drop by. 他顺便去银行取了些钱。 He dropped by the bank to get some money. drop in ____ sb. drop in ____ sp. on at get in the way 椅子挡住了路,请把它搬开。 The chair is in the way. Please move it . Many a Many a student is… To the fullest = to the full 充分地暴露了他们的弱点。 Their weaknesses were exposed to the fullest. 孩子们此行开心极了。 The children enjoyed their trip to the full. line up vt./vi. 老师根据高矮帮孩子们排了队。 The teacher lined the children up according to height. 一大早,粉丝们就开始排队了。 The fans starting lining up early in the morning. enthusiasm热情,巨大兴趣,热忱 引起了她热情 arouse her enthusiasm for/about… enthusiastic be enthusiastic about… … 者 enthusiast 热衷于…的人;宗教狂热分子 It proves/proved that… 结果证明他的建议是错的。 It proves that his advice is wrong. His advice proves to be wrong. 结果证明水的供给很充分。 It proves that the water supply is sufficient. The water supply proves to be… To some extent,在某种程度上 To a certain extent, To a large extent, To a great extent, 在多大程度上你愿意帮助我? To what extent are you willing to help me ? The temperature rose to such an extent that the firemen


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