上虞市青少年宫2008年夏季少儿素质培训招生启事(Shangyu teenagers palace 2008 Summer children quality training admission notice).doc

上虞市青少年宫2008年夏季少儿素质培训招生启事(Shangyu teenagers palace 2008 Summer children quality training admission notice).doc

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上虞市青少年宫2008年夏季少儿素质培训招生启事(Shangyu teenagers palace 2008 Summer children quality training admission notice)

上虞市青少年宫2008年夏季少儿素质培训招生启事(Shangyu teenagers palace 2008 Summer children quality training admission notice) Shangyu teenagers palace 2008 Summer children quality training admission notice First, enrollment target: 5--17 years old children, teenagers Two, enrollment subjects: writing, English, painting and calligraphy, mathematics thinking, dance, electronic piano, erhu, taekwondo, martial arts, table tennis and so on Three, class time: the first class 8:00-9:30 in the morning, second in the morning, 9:45-11:15 Four, registration time and place: Youth Palace in June 1st --7 month 2 days (voluntary registration, free choice, reported full. Please give your parents careful consideration and no refund after registration Five, starting time: July 7th --8 12, a total of 16 times (every Saturday day, every other day, Sunday unified rest) Six, admissions sheet: (note the grade: primary school for this semester, grade, junior high school for the next semester grade) Time enrollment Subject grade Classes are held every Monday, three and five Classes are held every Tuesday, four and six Number Tuition Remarks First class in the morning Second in the morning First class in the morning Second in the morning 8:00--9:30 9:45--11:15 8:00--9:30 9:45--11:15 writing learn class Read Writing first grade Class 1 Class 2 About 35 people 180 yuan Material costs 20 yuan second grade Class 1 Class 2 Grade three Class 1 Class 2 fourth grade Class 1 Class 2 Grade five or six Class 1 Class 2 Read Writing Raise second grade Class 1 Class 2 About 25 people 250 yuan Recommended by the previous training teacher Material costs 20 yuan Grade three Class 1 Class 2 fourth grade Class 1 Class 2 Little writer writing class Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 number learn class Mathematics Thinking second grade Class 1 Class 2 About 35 people 180 yuan Material costs 20 yuan Grade three Class 1 Class 2 fourth grade Class 1 Class 2 fifth grade Class 1 Class 2 Mathematics Elite Grade three Class 1 Class 2 About 2



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