中医药治疗紫癜性肾炎近况(Recent progress of Chinese medicine in treatment of Henoch Schonlein purpura nephritis).doc

中医药治疗紫癜性肾炎近况(Recent progress of Chinese medicine in treatment of Henoch Schonlein purpura nephritis).doc

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中医药治疗紫癜性肾炎近况(Recent progress of Chinese medicine in treatment of Henoch Schonlein purpura nephritis)

中医药治疗紫癜性肾炎近况(Recent progress of Chinese medicine in treatment of Henoch Schonlein purpura nephritis) Recent progress of Chinese medicine in treatment of Henoch Schonlein purpura nephritis Update Date: 2009-06-05 click: Wangliangjun Henoch Schonlein purpura nephritis, also known as Henoch Schonlein purpura nephritis, is caused by severe Henoch Schonlein purpura involving the kidneys. In recent years, the literature reports confirmed that the use of Chinese medicine treatment of this disease has its unique, higher clinical efficacy. Now summarized as follows. Pathogenesis and treatment of 1 diseases This disease belongs to Chinese medicine muscle blood, bruises, hematuria, edema etc.. Zhang Qi believes that the pathogenesis of this disease can be divided into three stages: the early disease of toxic heat accumulation, blood is forced to jump behavior key, manifested as skin purpura, toxic heat evil meridian invasion in renal, injury, for hematuria, should be Qingrejiedu, Liangxue hemostatic treatment, should focus on clearing heat and detoxification; disease of blood stasis in the middle is the main pathogenesis of this pathogen, and gradually to the blood pump knot, purpura weight, but continued treatment with hematuria, heat dampness, cooling blood and activating blood circulation; disease later, purpura time does not heal or loss of treatment, loss of Qi and blood, and the loss of spleen and kidney, heat of formation is not evil, and righteousness has hurt the mixed card, red blood cell, protein in the urine will not disappear, should be treated with invigorating spleen and kidney, Qi and blood of the law, or Fuzhengquxie and 1. Ke Xinqiao, mostly due to blood heat Sheng Ying, forcing blood folly, or blood filled, block thread, or Yindeficiency and damage blood vessels, or spleen and kidney deficiency, blood due to inability to treatment used Qingying cooling blood, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, nourishing yin and clearing fire, air control



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