中医诊断学39讲 闻诊心音、胃肠异常声音 嗅气味(39 voice TCM diagnosis heart and gastrointestinal abnormal sound smell).doc

中医诊断学39讲 闻诊心音、胃肠异常声音 嗅气味(39 voice TCM diagnosis heart and gastrointestinal abnormal sound smell).doc

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中医诊断学39讲 闻诊心音、胃肠异常声音 嗅气味(39 voice TCM diagnosis heart and gastrointestinal abnormal sound smell)

中医诊断学39讲 闻诊心音、胃肠异常声音 嗅气味(39 voice TCM diagnosis heart and gastrointestinal abnormal sound smell) The fifth one is heart sound. This sound, we in the past are according to TCM diagnosis, diagnosis of deficiency, actually started to diagnosis the virtual effect is not so good, now have a stethoscope, use a stethoscope to help us to listen, it should be said that the virtual diagnosis better diagnosis, so using a stethoscope to listen to the voice of the heart. Mainly from its speed, strength, there is no noise, to see if there is no heart lesions. Heart sound enhancement. Dong Da, Da Dong, sound very loud, enhanced, for many reasons, the chest wall is very thin, very thin physique, body weight loss, when exercise, emotional, do strenuous exercise, of course, the cardiac output, stroke is very powerful, of course will increase. In addition to these circumstances, in the case of illness, what can be the case? Heat evil, yin deficiency, hyperactivity of fire and hyperactivity of liver yang can be enhanced, which is easier to understand. The deficiency of compensation, but also can enhance the blood deficiency of the people, in order to supply blood to the heart, so it may shrink strong, blood deficiency, blood supply to the heart, it may also increase, this is a manifestation of a deficiency of sexual excitement, a compensatory performance may be more serious Yang is a floating, not floating, floating, dry moving a discomfort to there, it is unstable, heart sounds can be enhanced. If heart sounds weaken. The chest wall is very thick, very fat, very obese, it may not be clear, conduction out not too clear; the deficiency of heart qi and heart yang deficiency, stasis of blood and heart Yang, and heart lung qi deficiency and Qi blood deficiency, deficiency, various deficiency, heart yang deficiency, heart qi deficiency, blood deficiency. The body of the deficiency of yin and Yang Qi, heart function, its function, heart Yang, deficiency of heart qi, heart will certainly weak



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