险企银保阵痛有分公司银保人员流失过半(Insurance firms silver insurance pains there are branches of the loss of more than half of Bancassurance).doc

险企银保阵痛有分公司银保人员流失过半(Insurance firms silver insurance pains there are branches of the loss of more than half of Bancassurance).doc

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险企银保阵痛有分公司银保人员流失过半(Insurance firms silver insurance pains there are branches of the loss of more than half of Bancassurance)

险企银保阵痛有分公司银保人员流失过半(Insurance firms silver insurance pains there are branches of the loss of more than half of Bancassurance) Now the situation here is rather chaotic. About half of the companys bancassurance channels have been lost and the company is now stepping up recruitment.. A large Chinese insurance companies bancassurance channel, a management official told the daily economic news reporter. Reporters from the insurance company branch relevant sources informed that as of March 31st, the company registered the bancassurance service staff of 77 people, and last year in the bancassurance service staff of about 200 people, more than half of the loss of personnel. Among them, about 70.1% of the personnel on record belong to active personnel, that is, business output. Daily economic news reporter learned from the relevant channels, recently, a well-known Chinese insurance companies branch bancassurance channel managers appeared to lead the team job hopping situation. An insider familiar with the company told reporters, according to its understanding, the loss of some of the flow to the Banking Department of insurance companies. A reporter familiar with the head of the bancassurance was recently transferred from a traditional insurance company to a banking insurance company, and took away some of the main cadres and business backbone. More than half of life insurance companies premiums fell Affected by the new deal silver, 2011 insurance firms in the first quarter premium income growth generally weak. Among them, there are 32 life insurance companies in of this year in February before the negative growth of premium income, accounting for 61 of the total number of life insurance companies included in statistics. Among them, there are 10 life insurance companies premium income fell by more than 50%. And some of the traditional insurance premium in stark contrast to the decline in premium income, some banking insurance companies have achieved rapid growth, which has aff



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