闻诊(Listening and smelling).doc

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闻诊(Listening and smelling)

闻诊(Listening and smelling) Terminology of voice diagnosis. One of the basic diagnosis methods of Chinese medicine. The use of hearing and smell, the smell of various diagnostic methods to the patient through the sound and in vivo excretion examination to diagnose diseases. Due to a variety of sounds and smells of the human body are produced in the organs from the physiological and pathological activities, so the change of sound and smell can reflect the physiological and pathological changes of the viscera, in clinical inference and judgment of the types of diseases and healthy. By the two aspects including listening to sound and smell. Listen to the voice of the patients voice, refers to the examination of language, breathing, cough, vomiting, belching, hiccups, sighing, sneezing, and other bowel sound, mainly according to the voice of the size, height, voicing, difference between cold and heat. Usually, the sound of high R muddy is empirical, otherwise it is a deficiency. Language is the heart disorder disease, breathing, cough, sneezing and lung disease, vomiting, hiccup, belching is stomach qi descending, stomach Shangni performance. Multi sigh and liver related. Smell can be divided into two aspects of disease and disease. Body odor is mainly due to the toxin of human viscera, Qi blood and body fluid produced with gas, resulting from body orifices and discharge out, accordingly, visible of the viscera of cold and heat and evil lies. Usually, all the dirty rotten acid, more true heat syndrome; odorless or slightly fishy, mostly deficiency cold syndrome. The ward is distributed by the smell, smell and body excretion, such as plague patients indoor rotting stench; hemorrhagic syndrome patients with bloody indoor odor; urine in patients with edema disease. Chinese use their hearing and smell, sound and body of the patient and the smell of excrement for diagnosis, to diagnose diseases. As one of the four diagnostic methods. All the sounds and smells of the human bod



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