中医诊断学52讲 八纲基本证候虚实辨证、阴阳辨证(52 diagnostic and eight basic syndromes of TCM diagnostics deficiency and excess syndrome differentiation, yin and Yang Syndrome Differentiation).doc

中医诊断学52讲 八纲基本证候虚实辨证、阴阳辨证(52 diagnostic and eight basic syndromes of TCM diagnostics deficiency and excess syndrome differentiation, yin and Yang Syndrome Differentiation).doc

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中医诊断学52讲 八纲基本证候虚实辨证、阴阳辨证(52 diagnostic and eight basic syndromes of TCM diagnostics deficiency and excess syndrome differentiation, yin and Yang Syndrome Differentiation)

中医诊断学52讲 八纲基本证候虚实辨证、阴阳辨证(52 diagnostic and eight basic syndromes of TCM diagnostics deficiency and excess syndrome differentiation, yin and Yang Syndrome Differentiation) The eight principal syndromes and we have talked about the table, cold and heat syndrome. Talk about the deficiency and excess syndrome in the basic syndrome today. Deficiency syndrome and positive analysis. Virtual and real is mainly to identify pathogen and program, and relationships between evil and righteousness two of them. To determine the pathogen and, is mainly based on basic questions, said on the actual assessment through evil Sheng, qi asthenia this two words to. Zhang Jingyues Jing Yue Quan Shu is called the empty and the actual, more than enough.. Q - menstruation theory which talked about diseases are all actual situation, students are the actual situation. Then, the actual situation is any disease. And what we talked about yesterday is cold and hot, not every disease must be divided into cold syndrome and heat syndrome, not necessarily. In fact, I think it is more important, each disease must be separated from its actual situation, the distinction between virtual and real. Not for the actual entirediseases ends, Shen honour students (Book) it is said that. It mainly refers to the evil Sheng, virtual and real it refers to two aspects, and the evil is two aspects. The so-called reality, the key is to emphasize the evil, the so-called false, the key is to emphasize the lack of righteousness, righteousness, is that evil Sheng, deficiency is the insufficient emphasis of righteousness. However, really constitute a deficiency and empirical, it must have two conditions, both real and virtual, is definitely not a problem, at least the main aspect is evil, (Washington) it is mainly empirical, deficiency is deficiency, but in fact false and are related to the evil and are two aspects. As we usually said, two people had a quarrel, fight, always say a tango, is evil again strong, upright if nothi



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