中药学13祛寒(Traditional Chinese medicine 13 dispelling cold).doc

中药学13祛寒(Traditional Chinese medicine 13 dispelling cold).doc

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中药学13祛寒(Traditional Chinese medicine 13 dispelling cold)

中药学13祛寒(Traditional Chinese medicine 13 dispelling cold) [4020 e-book] , welcome to 4020 e-books recommend good books! ] One one one one one one one one one one one one The thirteenth chapter ║ ║ Quhan medicine One one one one one one one one one one one one All can warm inside dispel cold, use in the treatment inside cold symptom of medicine, be called lukewarm inside medicine, also call dispel cold medicine. The temperature resistance of partial warm, with dispel cold and fire Yi Fu Yang effect, suitable for cold. That is The meaning of cold and warm in neijing. In the cold, which includes two aspects: one is the cold evil invasion Yang, trapped, and vomiting and diarrhea, abdominal pain, poor appetite, cold and dirty and cold, must dispel cold, to To eliminate the cloud; heart and kidney, Yin cold endogenous, and aversion to cold, cold, sweating and gas reverse flow pulse micro yang depletion syndrome etc. We must benefit from fire and yang to eliminate syncope. Clinical use of warm medicine should pay attention to the following points: 1. cold invasion, such as a table of unresolved, should be properly matched with diaphoretic. 2. hot summer weather, or ferrite fire, dose should be discretioary mitigated. 3. Duoxinwen Zaolie temperature resistance, easy to damage fluid, all patients were with Yin deficiency. One one one one one one Aconite (attached: Aconitum, Aconitum) One one one one one one [medicinal] this product is the Aconitum family, Aconitum hypertrophy root. [taste and meridian] okara hot. Poisonous. Into the heart, spleen and kidney. [efficacy] restoring Yang and activating qi, warming spleen and kidney, dispelling cold and relieving pain. [1.] for the clinical application of reverse flow of death, fine pulse and other symptoms. Aconite is intense and hot, mainly used in cold sweat, out of limbs, weak in pulse, or sweating And spit, regicidal effect, often with ginseng, dried ginger, licorice root with goods. If Cold sweat, cold limbs with death, acon



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